
Creation #03

Félicia Atkinson

Hôtel de Rennes Métropole [Rennes]

Félicia Atkinson lives and works in the Bauges Mountains, in Savoy. Her work puts together improvisation, contemplation, and creations through several approaches: sound creation, installations, writing and painting. She co-runs the Shelter Press imprint with Bartolomé Sanson and teaches art at ESAAA (École Supérieur d’Arts de l’Agglomération d’Annecy).

L’Hôtel de Rennes Métropole is located downtown Rennes. This 100 meters-long building has been designed by the architects Patrick Berger and Jacques Anziutti. Since 2007 it has hold the services of Rennes and its suburb area. Rennes Métropole was created in 2000 and currently gathers 43 municipalities and more than 400 000 inhabitants.

In October 2009, Félicia Atkinson went all over the Hôtel de Rennes Métropole for a week. During her residency, she listened, recorded, mapped, made up and created a musical work. The result brings to mind the vastness of the place, which was incompletely occupied at this time. She named the work Poings serrés (clenched fists). The artists also mentioned “a minimal tribute, in grayscale, to Aurélie Nemours’s work and to Breton skies”.

This residency received support from Rennes Métropole.

L’Hôtel de Rennes Métropole
4 avenue Henri Fréville – CS 20723
35207 Rennes cedex 2

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